Split Families – We are also updating our records for our reporting and monitoring. Parents and carers will have access to the school Arbor where they can monitor attendance, achievements and school reports. If parents live in different households, we are able to set up viewing on the parent platform so that both parents can access the information separately. This is recorded as ‘split family’ on our system which then triggers all information to be sent to more than one household at a time.
If you require information to go to two different households so that both parents can access information, please email our Arbor manager, Mrs Sarah Davies sdavies@saint-martins.net. In the subject heading of the email please title it as ” Y6 SF” or ” Year 6 Split Family information.” Include the following information
- Child’s full name
- Email addresses for both parents
- Home addresses for both parents
Emergency phone numbers – Please ensure your child has 3 emergency phone numbers written on the inside cover of their personal planners. If they need to use the school phone, your contact details are available to them quickly. The pupil will be responsible for keeping the contacts with them.
ParentPay – A ParentPay Activation Letter will go out in the first week, this our online payment system and a communication link for emails and texts that come from the school office. Pupils from “Split Families” must contact Mrs Sarah Davies to set up a ‘secondary account’. Please email sdavies@saint-martins.net so that she is able to set this up ready for the first day of term. Second accounts can only be set up via Mrs Davies.
Lockers – All pupils will require a locker to store their PE kit and other belongings. This fee is paid by parents/carers via ParentPay. The cost of this is £25.00 for a 5-year hire and must be paid at the very start of term. Once payment is made, the child will receive a locker key the next day. Please note, all replacement keys are £5.00. We endeavour to issue all locker keys within the first few weeks of the academic year.
First point of call for parents contacting the school – To streamline communications, all contact should be made with the child’s form tutor in the first instance. The Form Tutor will then pass to the appropriate member of staff if they are unable to answer your question. For SEN enquiries, your first point of call will be Ann Kelly, our SENDCo. For all Safeguarding, your first point of call will be Mr Gray, Mrs Abela, Mr Del Busso, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Thompson, Mr Blissett or Mrs Chapman. These are the designated people who work as team.
Medication – All medication, apart from epi pens and inhalers must be kept with the pupil. All epi pens must be handed in to the office on arrival on the first day.
Parent Apps – we use Go4Schools, ParentPay and Arbor. You will receive a letter during the first few weeks of the new Academic term with details of how to register.
Medical Dietary Requirements – If your child has a medical dietary requirement, please read the section on the Leicestershire website. Please complete and return the attached form by Monday 12th June. The return address is on the letter. Ensure that you included this information on the paper admission form so we can log in on our school SIMS system.
School Food | Leicestershire County Council