Click here for a Map of the School – Please note that all children will line up in single file at the posts outside their classrooms. Staff will meet and greet and children will sit in set seating plans for all of their lessons. Children will stay in their year group bubbles while on the school site. Pupils will only need equipment for that day, please discourage them from bringing everything, for all subjects, every day as this will make their bag very heavy!

Times Of The Day

Term Dates

Absence & Attendance – Attendance is crucial. Pupils who attend school make the most progress.  If your child is absent, please send all emails to

This is how you notify us of child absence. Please address all correspondence to Mrs Bowen, our Attendance Officer.

Safeguarding & E-Safety

Beaver Bus


Parent Guidlines to Saint Martin’s

Split Families – We are also updating our records for our reporting and monitoring. Parents and carers will have access to the school Arbor where they can monitor attendance, achievements and school reports. If parents live in different households, we are able to set up viewing on the parent platform so that both parents can access the information separately. This is recorded as ‘split family’ on our system which then triggers all information to be sent to more than one household at a time.

If you require information to go to two different households so that both parents can access information, please email our Arbor manager, Mrs Sarah Davies sdavies@saint-martins.netIn the subject heading of the email please title it as ” Y6 SF” or ” Year 6 Split Family information.” Include the following information

  • Child’s full name
  • Email addresses for both parents
  • Home addresses for both parents

Emergency phone numbers – Please ensure your child has 3 emergency phone numbers written on the inside cover of their personal planners. If they need to use the school phone, your contact details are available to them quickly. The pupil will be responsible for keeping the contacts with them.
ParentPay – A ParentPay Activation Letter will go out in the first week, this our online payment system and a communication link for emails and texts that come from the school office. Pupils from “Split Families” must contact Mrs Sarah Davies to set up a ‘secondary account’. Please email so that she is able to set this up ready for the first day of term. Second accounts can only be set up via Mrs Davies.
Lockers – All pupils will require a locker to store their PE kit and other belongings. This fee is paid by parents/carers via ParentPay. The cost of this is £25.00 for a 5-year hire and must be paid at the very start of term. Once payment is made, the child will receive a locker key the next day. Please note, all replacement keys are £5.00.  We endeavour to issue all locker keys within the first few weeks of the academic year.
First point of call for parents contacting the school – To streamline communications, all contact should be made with the child’s form tutor in the first instance.  The Form Tutor will then pass to the appropriate member of staff if they are unable to answer your question.   For SEN enquiries, your first point of call will be Ann Kelly, our SENDCo.  For all Safeguarding, your first point of call will be Mr Gray, Mrs Abela, Mr Del Busso, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Thompson, Mr Blissett or Mrs Chapman. These are the designated people who work as team.

Medication – All medication, apart from epi pens and inhalers must be kept with the pupil. All epi pens must be handed in to the office on arrival on the first day.

FSM – In this difficult time, we understand that some of you may have different working situations.

If you would like to apply, please follow the link for an application form, or contact our school office for assistance.
Free School Meals | Leicestershire County Council

We are only able to issue free school meals to those who are named on the list we receive from the County Council.

Parent Apps – we use Go4Schools, ParentPay and Arbor.  You will receive a letter during the first few weeks of the new Academic term with details of how to register.

Medical Dietary Requirements – If your child has a medical dietary requirement, please read the section on the Leicestershire website. Please complete and return the attached form by Monday 12th June. The return address is on the letter. Ensure that you included this information on the paper admission form so we can log in on our school SIMS system.

School Food | Leicestershire County Council


Students are welcomed and challenged over their time at Saint Martin’s to engage with their faith through acts of individual and collective worship. These take place each day through leading weekly acts of worship, with a number of opportunities for Mass and reconciliation throughout the year. Every student is offered times of reflection or retreat over their time at Saint Martin’s.

We believe that faith grows when you put it into action and so much of what we do within chaplaincy at school is just that – students are constantly raising money and awareness for a number of different charities and organisations from across the world, as well as some that benefit those closest to us in Hinckley. We encourage students to be Christ like in their generosity and willingness to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Our student chaplaincy team always display the best behaviour in and around school as well as a fantastic attitude to learning and a desire to help one another both in our school community and beyond – they are proud to wear their badges and to be held to these high standards, as well as ultimately being known as children of God.

Example Act of Worship – YouTube

Vocations – YouTube

Catholic Life

Library opening hours – 8.30am – 4:30pm daily.
​Welcome to the Saint Martin’s library…press play to view what we have on offer


At St Martin’s we like to celebrate the efforts of our students.  Teachers will issue merits for all sorts of things, whether it’s preparing well for a geography quiz, representing the school in a sporting fixture, helping to create an act of worship, having fabulous attendance… all forms of positive behaviour can be acknowledged with merits.  Each week, form tutors display a ‘Wall of Fame’ highlighting the students who have earned the most merits that week, with students at the top of each year winning a snack voucher for the canteen.  We also like to have an end-of-term celebration where we award certificates, edible prizes and attendance badges to acknowledge those students whose efforts have been consistently impressive.  While the prizes are never so big that they become the motivation for doing well (we think it’s important to help young people understand that things like working hard, being polite, contributing to school life and so on are rewarding in their own right), we do think it’s important to acknowledge the efforts of the students in our community.  This encouragement is to help students continue on the path to success.

​To help ensure students do work hard, be polite and generally act as positive members of the community, we also acknowledge when standards fall short of where they should be with demerits.  Forgetting equipment, not completing homework by deadlines set, being late – these are all examples of little mistakes that nearly all students make now and again, but which need to be acknowledged in order to help show that such things don’t meet the standard we set for ourselves at St Martin’s.  A demerit is not the end of the world, and any student who gets issued the odd one every now and again is not going to get given a detention for it.  However, students who do get issued 5 or more demerits in a week will be issued a detention, as will students who misbehave in a slightly more serious way (e.g. disrupting lessons). After-school detentions are issued to students who receive 8 or more demerits in a week, or who misbehave in a serious way.  While we know that after-school detentions can sometimes cause transport difficulties for parents and carers, no families can ‘opt out’ of this sanction – it is down to the student to not behave in a way that triggers an after-school detention rather than for the school to not set them.  Any sanction set at St Martin’s is done with the aim of helping the student to see that the best choice is to follow the rules and try their hardest, and is another way by which we encourage students on the path to success.


Before you embark on uniform shopping, it is absolutely essential that you read the uniform guidelines on our website. Being aware of the expectations will make the uniform shop an easier experience for both you and your child.

If your child finds the transition from the primary school uniform to the Saint Martin’s uniform a little overwhelming, we advise that you begin to discuss our standards and expectations with your child early on. We advise you include them in selecting appropriate items such as shoes and blazers, so that they wear their uniform with pride.

Please see our uniform page here

When wearing the Saint Martin’s uniform, whether in school or out, students are representing the academy and therefore are expected to wear it smartly and with pride. When wearing our uniform out of school students are also expected to maintain the highest standards of behaviour and politeness.


We have very specific requirements for footwear and students are expected to wear traditional shoes that can be polished with laces or slip-ons.  Trainer or plimsoll style shoes are not permissible.  If you are unsure please contact the head of year before purchasing such items.

Hole in the Wall

​11 Lower Bond St, Hinckley LE10 1QU​

Facebook: holeinthewallest1975

Swifts Uniforms

Mistral House, Parson’s Lane, Hinckley LE10 1XT



On our 70th year as a school, we are renamed our House Groups with names linked to our Dominican heritage. They have all led holy, interesting and sometimes remarkably
​self-sacrificial lives.  You will find more information information about them here,


There are key items you will need when you arrive at Saint Martin’s. Pencil cases must be transparent. You can choose one with a simple design, a personalised one with your name, or, a pain one, but you must be able to see the contents inside. This is so you can easily see what you have, and what you need to get out, without having to dig around or tip out the contents. We find that having a transparent design helps keep you focused and more organised which helps you keep on task.

Key items for everyday use

  • Black / blue pen (all work should be written in blue or black ink)
  • Green biro (for marking your work in class)
  • Highlighter pen (for use in your booklets to show key points and key vocabulary)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Coloured pencils (you will only need a few, such as red, green, blue, yellow, orange)

There will be subject specific equipment you will need from time to time. For instance, in maths lessons, you will need a protractor and a scientific calculator.  You may have used a simple calculator at primary school, however, the maths topics you cover at Saint Martin’s will require you to have a scientific one, with lots of extra buttons.

Please click on the link below to read a letter from Mr Cassidy, Head of Maths regarding a specific calcluator he would like you to use.

Y6 Parents Calculator Letter

Your teachers will be handing out many workbooks and exercise books for you to keep, you must bring to every lesson. Having something to keep them neat and tidy is key, we recommend you find something that fits A4 booklets in without them getting too squished. Some booklets have 30 pages in so make sure the folder has plenty of room for a thicker booklet. They don’t have to be all different colours but pupils do say it helps to be extra organised. For example, in the picture ere you will see the folders are sturdy enough not to get crumpled in a school bag. The advantage of having separate folders is that you only have to bring the ones you need for that day. ​

Naming you belongings is key, please do make sure your school bag, and everything in it has your name on. With so many pupils, the likelihood is that someone else will have the same bag as you. Adding something to a zip, like a keyring will ensure that you know it is yours.

You will be issued with a locker when you join us. This is where you will keep your PE kit, lunch box, and maybe a spare pencil case. You will be given your very own key to look after too. Think about where you may keep this as it is really important you have access to it daily. You may want to find a lanyard to keep around your neck, or one that fits inside your blazer.

Your belongings are very important to you, and, if you ever misplace them, we want to return them to you ASAP. If you label your items it helps us get them back to you even more quickly. Your uniform may need name labels like this  or, use a permanent pen to write your name on / inside them.

School bags and PE bags, please make sure they have your initials somewhere on the outside of your bag, and also on the inside. Think carefully about what school bag you chose. There will be 750 pupils in school, we would advise you have a bag that you can quickly identify. There maybe 50 other children with the same back as you. Look at the bags here. Which one can you quickly identify? Why?